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Artistic Statement

One of the few truths in life that I feel really sure of is that we, as humans, all strife for companionship. I think that for many of us this companionship can be found in music and the desire to share this with others motivates me to write music that is faithful to my values and beliefs. Life is such a miracle and being able to live it is such a privilege, yet, for many people it is also filled with obstacles, hardship and losses.

When I write music, I want to communicate my feelings to the listeners and tell them “Hey, I’ve been there, I understand you, you’re not alone”, but in a way that words never could express.

I think that music is most direct way to our emotions and I carefully choose my palete of tools when I start writng a piece of music.

The feeling or idea I want to convey with the piece affects orchestration, harmonic language and the way it should be performed. Most often I write pieces for symphony orchestra in a modern harmonic language that often integrates other styles into it, such as jazz, Latin and world music.

I like to work from my computer because for me it is the most flexible way of writing music to extend my range of available sound infinitely.

But where do I currently get my ideas from you might ask? In the past few months, I started to take a closer look at the big subjects and questions in life because I feel that I’ve come to an age where you really start to ask yourself if the life you’re living is a good one. Some of the themes I recently covered in my music are the joy of love, birth and parenthood and the debt we owe to our ancestors. Others include our duty to care for fellow humans and animals, the wish to make the world a better place, the miracle of consciousness and the inevitability of death. Currently I’m working on an orchestral piece called “Of Man and Sea” that combines elements from European classical music with Japanese and Argentinean traditional music.

Lukas Kamenski playing the guitar
Lukas Kamenski playing the violin




Composer and M.D.




-Berklee Online College of Music: 1/2020 - present

       -Bachelor of Arts in Music Composition for Film, TV and Games

            -GPA: 3.8

-Medical University Vienna: 9/2013 - 9/2019

       -Medical degree (M.D.)

            -GPA: 3.9


Musical Experience

-Second violinist, guitar player and pianist of the classical string quartet Da Capo, Vienna 

-Singer (tenor) in the choir of the Sacred Mountain Church, Vienna

-Composer of several theme songs for the Medical University’s soccer team


Extra-musical Experience

-Residency in family medicine at University Hospital Krems, Austria:




-Computer: Steinberg Nuendo, Cubase, Ableton Live, Adobe Premiere Pro,    Finale

-Languages: German, English, Spanish, French

-Instruments: Piano, violin, guitar, kazoo, flute, voice

-Business skills: Project management

Lukas Kamenski enjoying the view over danube valley Wachau
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